Water Services
Carthage Water & Electric Plant (CWEP) Water Treatment Plant produces on average 2.5 million gallons of water each day. To deliver the water to our 5,000 plus customers, we maintain over 100 miles of water distribution lines. This clean, fresh water is constantly monitored and treated to ensure that the Carthage community is served with the highest level of quality water possible.
Our source of water comes from a series of 14 deep water wells located throughout the city of Carthage. With the completion of two new water towers in 1999, we now have 4 towers to meet the needs of our growing city. All of these facilities combine to provide the city of Carthage with a storage capacity of 7,500,000 gallons of water.
Want to learn more about CWEP water? Check out our Annual Water Quality Reports!

Wastewater Services
The Carthage Wastewater Treatment Plant treats more than 3 million gallons of wastewater per day while maintaining more than 100 miles of sewer mains in our collection system. With more than 5,000 customers, both residential and commercial, we pride ourselves in delivering exceptional customer service while ensuring compliance with all effluent limitations as outlined in our state operating permit through 100% biological treatment. Our Industrial Pretreatment Program issues individual permits to significant users with limitations and monitoring requirements specific to each industry. Our staff serves as the control authority to monitor and enforce compliance to each permit.
Contact Us
CWEP Customer Support
Phone: 417.237.7300
Email Us
eCarthage Support
(Mon.-Fri., 8am-7pm) Phone: 417.237.7373
After Hours Phone: 417.237.7300
Email Us
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